RespiTech successful in securing funding for nasal drug targeting
Members of the RespiTech team and Lung Physiology group at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (WIMR) and the University of Sydney have been successful in securing a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Development Grant. Associate Professors Paul Young, Daniela Traini and Greg King (WIMR), along with Prof Dale Baily (Central Clinical School), Dr Ramin Rohanizadehh (Pharmacy) and A/Prof Cynthia Whitchurch (UTS iThree Institute) have been awarded $401,708 to research and develop a series of technologies for targeting chronic sinus infection.
Chronic sinus infection (CSI) is prevalent and results in severe discomfort and pain for many Australians; yet, has no specific cure or effective treatment. Our multi-disciplinary research team and an Australian health and medical research company, (AFT Pharmaceuticals) have partnered to develop a novel device that specifically targets the sinuses in conjunction with a formulation capable for simultaneously removing mucus, dispersing biofilms and killing bacteria in the nasal cavities. The Project will commence in the first quarter of 2014 and will run for 2-years.