Partnership to develop inhalable vaccines
The Respiratory Technology team at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, in collaboration with Evonik Industries, have been awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage grant to develop a low-cost vaccination platform. The team will develop a new inhalation technology that can be used to deliver a multitude of DNA based vaccines via the inhalation route. This project is very exciting news and marks the start of a new industrial collaboration. The grant, entitled: ‘One for all and all for one- Engineering a drug delivery platform for DNA vaccines to the lung’, was awarded to A/Prof Traini, Young and Dr Windhab and will last for 3 years The ARC support this grant via $482,738 of funding.
Paul Young, Daniela Traini and Norbert Windhab (Evonik) at Woolcock-Evonik strategic workshop in Germany, July 2014.