SPIRITUS: (7-14) A Monthly update from the Respiratory Technology team at the WIMR.
This is our July 2014 update of news from the Respitech group at the WIMR.
This Month, members of the group have been traveling in both the USA and UK. Daniela and YY attended the Chiesi i3Innovation conference to celebrate 5 years of the new Chiesi UK innovation centre, headed up by Dr David Lewis. The two days conference was an amazing success and brought in Chiesi collaborators from around the world to meet and discuss the future of inhalation science. Daniela gave a presentation on the application of 3D printing and CFD for inhalation device development, while YY presented in an ECR session. YY was given an award for best early career researcher sponsored by Nanopharm Ltd. At the same time, Paul attended the Controlled Release Society Annual meeting in Chicago and gave a podium presentation on the future for respiratory controlled release formulations in a new session focused on respiratory drug delivery. Paul also presented Judy and Wings posters, as they were unable to attend.
Dany and YY attending i3Innovation UK conference
Back at home, Jesslynn Ooi had a paper accepted in Current Drug Delivery entitled 'The Effects of Loaded Carrier Mass and Formulation Mass on Aerosolisation Efficiency in Dry Powder Inhaler Devices'. This paper focuses on the mechanisms that underpin aerosolisation of carrier-based systems and begins to eliminate some factors that we previously thought were key in generating fine aerosols.
As usual, the group welcome new members and say goodbye to old members.
Giula Ballerin re-joins the group to undertake a PhD. Giulia spent 4 months with us in 2013 as a visiting student from the University of Ferrara, Italy. She now has a scholarship awarded by UTS and will undertake a PhD in the area of respiratory infection, co-supervised by Daniela, Paul and A/Prof Cynthia Whitchurch (iThree Institute).
We would also like to welcome Mariam Mamlouk as a new PhD candidate in the Faculty of Medicine. Mariam undertook a Master with Paul and Dany in 2012 in the area of cell biology and drug transport. Her PhD will focus on understanding mechanisms of mucus clearance in children with CF. Mariam will be co-supervised by Paul, Daniela and Paul Robinson (The Children's Hospital at Westmead). Mariam has been awarded an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) scholarship to conduct her PhD.
We say farewell to Matteo Padroni who has been undertaking a research project looking at inhaled Tobramycin. Matteo will return to the University of Ferrara to complete his Pharmacy degree. Matteo, you are always welcome back!
Lastly, we say farewell to Dr Mehra Haghi. Mehra has been with the group through her PhD first and then as a PostDoc at the Woolcock. Mehra was instrumental in establishing the RespiTech group and has co-supervised many students with the team. Mehra will begin her Humboldt Fellowship in Germany next month and will return to Sydney to take up a full time appointment as a lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney. The group celebrated Mehra's contributions at the Belgian Beer Cafe at the end of the month (photos are on Facebook). We wish Mehra all the best and will continue working with her as a collaborator and independent Academic. Well done Mehra!
Giula, Mariam, Matteo and Mehra