SPIRITUS: (05-17) A Monthly update from the Respiratory Technology team at the WIMR.
This is the May 2017 newsletter from the RespiTech Group at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research.
Dany and Dave talk serious collaboration....
During May, Paul and Dany went on from RDD Europe to the UK to catch up with a number of collaborators in the UK. Paul and Dany attended the Launch of OzUK a new start up contract services company and caught up with ex colleagues from Vectura. The team also spent some time at the Chiesi site in Chippenham planning future research programs.
Back in Sydney, Michelle Pozzoli gave his final PhD talk at the Woolcock Friday morning seminars. Well done Michelle! Also this month, Joanne Peart (Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, co-organiser and Editor of the Respiratory Drug Delivery series of conferences and book series) visited the group. Joanne spent time with PhD and Postdocs within the group discussing their projects and career focus. Joanne also had time to enjoy the more social side of Sydney...
As usual, the group give an update of publications and research output. This month, members of the group had two Jounral articles accepted. The first, was a paper accepted in Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, entitled "Novel nano-cellulose excipient for generating non- Newtonian droplets for targeted nasal drug delivery." This is part of an ongoing collaboration with Patrick Spicer at UNSW and forms part of the SmartDrop initiative. The second paper was related to the Google Innovation Grant and is entitled "Motivations and key features for a wearable device for continuous monitoring of breathing".
To learn more about our publications you can find a list of all our journal publications here.